Posts by Rhonda
Spring is here…well…sort of!
Pick and Choose Your Spring Cleaning Tasks Tackling a few of these sometimes-neglected details will help your home feel spring fresh Spring cleaning can be an enticing idea, but planning to clean the house from top to bottom can turn into a never-ending task list. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can get…
Read MoreSimple Pleasures Of Spring Gardening
Is there anything better than that first spring day when the weather finally feels warm enough to really spend time outdoors? Celebrate spring with a full day spent puttering in the garden, tending to chores, sprucing things up and pampering yourself a bit as well. Treat yourself to new garden gear. It’s nice to…
Read MoreDecluttering Projects You Can Do in 15 Minutes!
Let’s face it: Clearing clutter doesn’t usually top our list of fun things to do. Sure, the joy of a clutter-free space is something we can all get behind, but finding the time (and the motivation) to make it happen is quite another matter. That’s where quickie clutter clearing comes in. Instead of waiting for…
Read MoreGive your Kitchen a Facelift!
8 updates you can do without breaking the bank! 1. Showcase a favorite color. Adding a fun accent color can be a great way to bring personality to a kitchen. By painting the door with red chalkboard paint and adding messaging that shows off her sense of humor, this homeowner created a fun farmhouse vibe.…
Read MoreReduce Stress – Reduce Clutter!
From quick weekday breakfasts grabbed on the way out the door to special-occasion dinners planned and prepared with care, the kitchen is nearly always a hub of household activity — which also means it’s a common place for clutter to accumulate. In this series, we’re approaching each room in the house from the perspective of…
Read MoreBeing Safe about Chemicals in Your Home
You would have to visit your local pharmacy or science lab to rival the number of potentially dangerous chemicals in the average home. You likely store everything from fertilizers and acidic cleaners to gasoline and corrosive drain openers. Obviously, it makes sense to ensure that everyone in your home uses and stores such items safely. For example, laundry detergent…
Read More5 Unusual (but effective) Home Staging Ideas
“Staging” your home is all about making the space in your home as appealing as possible to buyers. You may already know the basics, such as eliminating clutter. Here are some other tips that are less well known yet very effective: • Chandeliers. Surprisingly, these are one of the simplest ways to make a foyer, dining room or living…
Read MoreTypes of Lighting for the Home
You probably don’t think buying a lighting fixture for a room is all that complicated. It isn’t. However, it does require you to consider which types of lighting you may need. According to the Lighting Association, there are three types: 1. General lighting. By far the most common, this is the type of lighting that is designed to create…
Read MoreDeciding on the Discretionary Move
Sometimes we don’t have much choice about selling our home and buying another. Circumstances, such as a job relocation, may have made that choice for us. However, most often the decision to move is discretionary. Sometimes people move simply because they think it’s a good idea. They feel that “now” is the right time to find their next dream…
Read MoreAvoiding Unwelcome Guests
There are unwelcome guests that most homeowners dread. They come into your house, eat, sleep, make a mess, and never leave willingly. Each one has at least six legs and sometimes flies. They are, of course, insects. They’ve been freeloading in homes since homes were invented. Here are some practical ways to keep these unwelcome guests out: •…
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