Candle Circuits & Holiday Outlets

The holidays are almost upon us and it is especially exciting to have a new home at this time of      year. One of the great options Fine Line Homes offers is a candle circuit. The candle circuit includes one switch that turns on the top receptacle of all outlets closest to front windows.…

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Guide to Property Survey

Why should you have a survey done? How long does a survey last? How long does a survey protect you? The details of your property’s boundaries is information that every homeowner should have.

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That New Carpet Smell…

…actually isn’t good for you. Referred to as “off-gassing” chemicals are being released into your home which can cause eye and sinus irritation and be even more damaging for individuals with respiratory ailments, allergies and asthma. The “off-gassing” chemical is a  VOC called 4-phenylcyclohexene (4-PCH), which is a byproduct of the latex binder used to secure…

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The Perils of Home Buying Without a Rainy-Day Fund

Few people would walk even a 10-foot-high tightrope without a net. Even with a reward,     the fall wouldn’t be worth it if something went wrong, yet people buy homes without access to an emergency fund

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Put Your Yard on a Chemical-Reduced Diet

Municipalities across Canada are tightening restrictions on herbicides and pesticides to protect people, wildlife, soil and water. Over the past 80 years, Canadians have piled toxic chemicals such as Mecoprop, Malathion and Diazinon onto their lawns and gardens. Ironically, their use has created pests that are more resistant and more difficult to control. It’s better late…

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